Art Samples

Head Shots

Coming Face, Blood Splatter on face, Genitals only, Stomach only, Chest/Boobs

Half Body

Full Body

NSFW - Nude, Sexy Lingerie, Genitals


Anything Submissive

by height and style

RequestStyleHeadShotHalf BodyFull Body
Normal Style Adding Text, objects, background is $5Flat$10Shoulder$15, Chest$20, Stomach$25Hips/Thighs$30, Knees$35, Feet$40
-Rendered$30Shoulder$35, Chest$40, Stomach$45Hips/Thighs$50, Knees$55, Feet$60

Height Info

  • Half Body maximum is stomach

  • Full body maximum is feet, once thighs are shown that is considered full body

  • If you are only requesting genital shots, stomach shots, butt shots they will be part of head shot since it's the same process of how I would draw it

Add/Removing Info

  • When you want to Remove or Add something is a $5 charge

  • Example: if you ask me to add or remove something is $5 may it be drawing in progress or finished drawing

  • I won't charge if that object is part of the character design, I only charge whenever you suddenly want to add something that has never been in the drawing

  • Texts however are still charged for $5, like texts that are in a dialogue kind of way


This section is to credit whenever I made a fanart of a character I used as an Art sample such as VTubers, etc.
